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Sticks the Badger


She is an anthropomorphic jungle badger and a force of nature in every way. She has spent most of her life living alone and flourishing in the wilderness and is as such new to friends in general. After meeting Team Sonic, however, she forms a strong bond with the group, particularly with Amy Rose, and joined the team as their wild card.

Sticks is energetic and primal, like a wild animal. She has sharp animal instincts and is a fearsome combatant and tenacious hunter, and when angry she enters a feral frenzy. Because of her isolated life, Sticks has become off-kilted, obtuse, mental and just plain nutty, and she thinks others are living in an alternate world different from the normal one, something that unnerves friends and enemies alike. However, she does not like having herself and theories written off as crazy, as she insists whole-hearted she is correct (which she often turns out to be).

In spite of her background, Sticks is intelligent, though her manner of speaking comes off as strange and grammatically incorrect to other people as she speaks in a primitive dialect she taught herself. Also, there is a definite method in much of her madness, and her hair-brained ideas can sometimes in fact be a stroke of brilliance.

Sticks is far from civilized as a result of living in the jungle. She has no concept of formal behavior, a fact she knows and worries will embarrass her in fancy situations, and she is disgusted by anything cute, adorable and fuzzy. She loves spending time in her burrow and returns to it for safety when a situation becomes too bizarre for her. Like Tails, she is passionate about arts and crafts and makes things from what she finds in nature.

Because of her wildness, Sticks' social skills need plenty of work. Outspoken to a fault, She always speak her mind, even if it comes across as socially uncalibrated, and her wildness sometimes gets her into trouble during social situations. She is not the most trusting individual and is full of outrageous suspicions and paranoia (which nearly always turns out to be true), and senses danger everywhere at all times, which means that she is always stressed. As such, she has equipment prepared for even the oddest situations. While the concepts of sharing, compassion, and friendship are foreign to her, Sticks has a good heart and a genuine desire to get closer to Sonic and his friends, though she is also completely comfortable being on her own, and is fiercely loyal to them. However, this also creates an internal struggle for her; on one hand she is not sure she can handle the life outside her burrow, but on the other hand she loves her friends and wants to hang out with them.

Among her new friends, Sticks' best friend is Amy Rose, who is the one Sticks wants to get closer to the most. They even each have a BFF necklace with two pendants that can be joined together to form a whole.

Amy helps Sticks adapt to civilization and in turn Sticks is willing to go to extremes to protect Amy or help her get back on her feet when she is in emotional distress. The two are also shown to work well together in combat.

When she left for Arendelle with Amy and the rest of the group, she was eager to find out if there were any of Robotnik's (Eggman's) robots. After the earthquake, she wanted to go with Amy, but then she thought that there were other things she thought she should attend to, such as target practice outside with her boomerang. She ended up working quite well with this, yet she was concerned about Sonic, Amy, Blaze, Shadow, and Knuckles because she had just met them and decided to be good friends with them. Finally, after Tails had completed his project, she dropped everything except herself and her boomerang to help out, and this came to work out when she tried to distract the Master. After his defeat, they returned to Arendelle and lived happily ever after. Sticks was able to have her with her social skills, and she was able to make many friends with the citizens of Arendelle.

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