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Metal Sonic


Metal Sonic is an evil Badnik version of Sonic the Hedgehog and undoubtedly Dr. Eggman's greatest creation, built for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic. Deployed during Eggman's operations on Little Planet, Metal Sonic confronted Sonic in battle and lost, though he would return again and again to challenge Sonic and his allies. Modeled with extreme accuracy after Sonic, Metal Sonic not only resembles his template, but can also imitate his moves and achieve velocities matching or even surpassing Sonic's.

While mostly serving as Eggman's obedient and quiet enforcer, Metal Sonic is an intelligent machine with a very dark side. He is a cold-hearted, aggressive and ruthless killer with a burning obsession of Sonic that surpass that of his maker's, and his ultimate goal is proving to Sonic that he is the better of them and eliminate him once and for all. His mission has made him rebel against Eggman and amass immense power multiple times, only to always fail in the end. To this day though, Metal Sonic refuses to give up and continues to be one of Sonic's most formidable foes.

Metal Sonic was also available to try and help Eggman defeat Sonic for good when Sonic, Anna, Elsa, Tails, and Knuckles defeated Eggman's Custom Gear, which Sonic saw to be similar to the Egg Emperor that he would have to face later on in his life. He challenged Sonic to a battle after transforming into an evil monster called the Biohazard in an attempt to get revenge on his organic foe and his friends. Then Sonic transformed into Super Sonic and gave Anna and Elsa their own versions of Super mode. Knuckles was able to turn into his Hyper Knuckles mode, and Tails his Super Mode. Together they fought as the tune of What I'm Made Of... was being played by some other robots who were rebelling against Dr. Eggman. Metal Sonic was defeated, and nobody knew what had happened to him. But he had been restored by Eggman more than once, which really could annoy anyone, and the last time Sonic saw him in the world he would stay for almost five years was when Metal presumably took some racing data from the E-10000 for himself and passed on fake info to Eggman. He lost once again, but he swore to return.

And he did when he and Eggman ended up going into Arendelle's world once again about six months after the events of Sonic Lost World.  He helped Eggman set up a company inside the North Mountain called Transformia. All the robots went bezerk after an earthquake in Arendelle. They then served the Master, Metal Sonic included. When inside a laboratory, Eggman and the Master worked on Metal Sonic, but it was Lord Shen, who was the Master, who upgraded him back into his Neo Metal Sonic form, but he had a new ability, one to transform into the head of the Master's final form, Lyric. Eggman was able to control him, but with a humiliating defeat for them by the Mystic Rangers in their Legend Warrior mode, he and Metal decided to turn over a new leaf. Queen Elsa still has her doubts about him, but she knows that they can use their machines for good.

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